“All models are false, but some are useful.”-- statistician George E.P. Box
“No theory ever agrees with all the facts in its domain.”-- philosopher of science Paul Feyerabend
All humans have worldviews and perceive the world through constructed theories. Even our sensory perceptions are shaped by our brains, culture, education, and experiences as much as by our eyes and ears, creating an artificial and limited translation of reality.
Theories about society, the world, and human nature can be useful and important, but they are inherently limited and potentially misleading.
Theories should not be confused with reality. Reality is infinitely complex and detailed, and even the best theories have limitations and don’t apply universally. For instance, strict laissez-faire capitalism might overlook the need for regulation to address market failures, while rigid socialism might ignore the benefits of market competition. In physics, Newton's laws fail to account for quantum effects, just as classical economics oversimplifies human decision-making. Psychology theories like behaviorism might reduce complex behaviors to stimuli and responses, neglecting cognition, emotion, and social context. Rigid social justice theories often ignore or dismiss the experiences and perspectives of many groups.
Relying on a single theory to explain the world is wrong and dangerous because it oversimplifies complex issues and reinforces biases, leading to blind spots, false assertions, and destructive decisions. When theories become rigid and dogmatic, they stifle open-mindedness and critical thinking, fostering polarization and conflict. Emotional attachment to theories can lead to moral and ethical blind spots, stifling intellectual growth and innovation.
In extreme cases, people may view their worldview as the only moral perspective, seeing those with different views as not just wrong but immoral. This can lead to ostracization or persecution in societies with dominant ideologies. For example, in Stalinist Russia, dissenters were labeled insane, while in dogmatic religions, questioners are often condemned. In modern times, political and social ideologies can be treated with the same fervor as religion.
Dogmatic adherence to rigid theories has often led to disaster. For example, Lysenkoism in the Soviet Union, a pseudo-scientific agricultural theory, rejected genetic science and imposed unproven techniques, causing widespread crop failures and famine. Similarly, Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward in China, driven by Marxist dogma, ignored practical agricultural methods, resulting in one of history's deadliest famines. In both cases, rigid application of flawed theories without allowing critique led to catastrophic human costs.
In short, it is crucial to recognize theories for what they are: at best, limited in accuracy and scope, and potentially misleading and misused. It is essential to avoid becomeing emotionally attached to one’s theories.