Has the Unitarian Universalist Association become a cult?
A clinical psychologist and a UU minister say yes
“Rev Eklof thinks UUA has become a cult. So do I.”—clinical psychologist Julie Hotard Ph.D.
Over the past two decades, much of my research has been in the neuroscience of belief systems, including religions. Additionally, I have written extensively on group and social psychology, with past posts covering topics such as groupthink, herd behavior, and echo chambers. Having said that, I start this post by saying I am not an expert on cults and do not offer here an opinion on this provocative question. This issue was brought to my attention by two professionals, a clinical psychologist and a UU minister.
I have, however, written extensively about how the current Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) in Boston has transformed in recent years to resemble a fundamentalist, dogmatic church. According to the theories of social philosopher Eric Hoffer, the UUA has also become a fanatical socio-political movement. A good summary of this can be found in the post below:
The True Believers: UU is in Danger of Becoming Just Another Church
I am far from solitary in making these observations. Numerous UU ministers themselves have written about how the UUA has become, according to their words, “fanatical and dogmatic,” “a fundamentalist movement,” “an abusive environment” and “an inquisition.” Examples (click on the hyperlinks to read their essays) include by Rev. Mark Gallagher, Rev. Munro Sickafoose, Rev. Richard Trudeau, Rev. Denise Tracy, Rev. Kate Rhode, Rev. Gary Kowalski, Rev. Alex Holt, Rev. Rick Davis, Rev. Cynthia Cain, and former UUA President Rev. Peter Morales. Additionally, two famous public intellectuals outside of UU have harshly criticized the national church’s recent transformation: the University of Chicago evolutionary biology professor and organized religion critic Jerry Coyne, and the Columbia University linguist John McWhorter.
Furthermore, I have heard from several ministers that numerous UU ministers disagree with what is happening but are too afraid to speak up for fear of retribution. Rev. Scott Alexander recently wrote, “The dissatisfaction within UU clergy is more widespread than many think. Many are afraid to speak up in the current dogmatic climate.” Rev. Rick Davis echoed this sentiment, stating, “UU ministers now know that if they voice dissenting views, the response will be swift and the consequences severe - your livelihood and your reputation are at stake. You better toe the party line.”
Whatever terms you choose to describe it, the UUA is clearly in a sorry state.
Two professionals say the UUA is a cult
"Cult" is undoubtedly a strong and loaded term, and may come across as hyperbole. l don’t label the UUA as such. However, this idea crossed my mind when clinical psychologist and disinformation expert, Dr. Julie Hotard, explained to me that the current UUA exhibits many characteristics typical of cults. She believes the UUA is a cult.
Below is Hotard’s explanation, quoted from another post.
"The White Supremacy Culture ideologues who are now leading UUA show characteristics of a cult. Their actions fit into renowned cult expert Steve Hassan's BITE model, which describes how cults do destructive mind control. Cult leaders use strategies to control Behavior, Information, Thoughts and Emotions.
"Reports from the 2023 UU General Assembly show how UUA leaders shamed, blamed, censored and scapegoated those who disagreed--for example, by calling people racist and sexist who objected to the anti-democratic nature of the one-candidate election for UUA president.
"Here is how this fits into the BITE model. Cult leaders change Behavior so that dissenters don't speak up--by reprimanding attendees for disagreeing and by throwing people out of chat groups. UUA leaders also restrict Information--for example, information given to congregations about the Article 2 Revision.
"UUA leaders also distort Information--for example, by claiming that the GA vote to approve the language of the A2R was just a vote to 'continue discussion.'
"These strategies of shaming, blaming, censoring, scapegoating and restricting information had a big impact on GA attendees--and also at local congregations where they are used. Applying the BITE model, one can see how these strategies affected GA attendees--in ways that affected their Behavior, Information access, Thoughts and Emotions. That gave UUA leaders a large amount of power."
Rev. Dr. Todd Ekloff’s Sermon, Muunies: Has the Unitarian Universalist Association become a Mind Control Cult?
In May of 2024, Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof, who was disfellowshipped (excommunicated) by the UUA after writing and distributing a book critical of the UUA, gave a sermon describing how he believes the current UUA is a cult. The sermon was written in consultation with clinical health counselor and cult expert, Steven Hassan Ph.D. Hassan subsequently interviewed Eklof in his podcast The Influence Continuum.
Many UUA partisans and indoctrinated ministers will rotely dismiss and ad hominem attack Eklof, and tell members to disbelieve whatever he says and not listen to his sermon. Ironically, such dismissal, along with the expulsion of those like Eklof who openly question the dogma is a sign of a cult.
The sermon is linked below as a video and a PDF copy. You can listen to or read the sermon and form your own opinion. Hassan says he helps individuals break free from cults by promoting that they think for themselves.
VIDEO: Muunies: Has the Unitarian Universalist Association become a Mind Control Cult?
PDF paper: Muunies: Has the Unitarian Universalist Association become a Mind Control Cult?
Musing on the whole topic, John Eichrodt J.D., a lawyer and UU in France who studies church management, wrote: "In my opinion, our open theology invites a recurring pathology of 'guruism' in our fellowships and congregations. Why? Because our UU group dynamics sometimes tend to replace the theological or spiritual role of our communities. When this happens, members sometimes replace their spiritual quest by loyalty to guru-type leaders." The church and many congregations jumping on the Robin DiAngelo White Fragility bandwagon exemplified this.
Dick Burkhardt Ph.D., a global democracy activist and board member of Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community (UUJEC), wrote, "Traditionally cults are centered around a single, dominant leader. But with social media, it’s now possible for them to be centered around a dominant ideology continually promoted and developed by a close-knit leadership group."
I personally experienced a lot of cult like behaviors, but didn’t believe it and thought it was just only my own triggers from past trauma. If only I became completely healed and have no triggers, then the cult like behaviors would dissolve into normal behaviors, but that never happened, but actually increased the more I worked on my triggers from my past.
Only since I left (escaped) have I finally been able to dissolve my triggers from my childhood and stabilize my mental and emotional state.
I suspect that some of the churches were more cult like than others, and it eventually bubbled up to the national level.
Cults make you cut off association with people outside the cult so I think of the "cult" designation for the UUA as hyperbole or at best a metaphor