Several years after leaving the UUA, I became a member of the LDS (Mormon) church, where I remain active today. In that denomination, I have encountered far more people of color -- including those serving in leadership positions over predominantly white congregations -- than I ever saw in the UUA. I suspect that most people of color are not interested in the fawning, condescending attitude that comes at them from white UUA-type liberals.

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Yeah, no one wants to answer for their entire racial-ethnic group. If Fred is black, the question "So, Fred, what do black people think ....?" shows tokenism and stereotyping.

We have a couple of black people who do child care (and sometimes participate in the service) and one woman who is Japanese from Japan (not 2nd gen). We don't treat them in any special way. They are just people. That's what most want - nothing special, just normal relationships.

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Thank you. Sadly, your article so completely mirrors what I experience in my own UU church.

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May I share this? You say so eloquently what I have not been able to clearly convey.

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Please do. I post these pubic essays to be read.

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