Aug 22Liked by David Cycleback

Thanks for sharing such an interesting story, Love this 🥰🥰🥰

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Whenever I try to explain the origin and consequences of the Article II revisions to the members of my UUA Congregation it’s too much for them. Given the advancing age of most of the UUA congregations it’s become a retirement home for white Liberals - “don’t bother me with that stuff it’s making me uncomfortable.” I feel like the UUA elites are depending on this response to enact their agenda.

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As an intellectually engaged woman, who was politically liberal and activist, my mom because disillusioned with much of the laity, with their apathy and often willful ignorance. As you say, for many UUs, their congregation serves as a community center for liberals.

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I’m actually ok with the Community Center. Sort of a Hospitallers for aging liberals. We can have great Sunday Brunches and Wednesday night Mahjong games - but we will not surrender the right of individual conscience to any enforced “Discipline of Love.”

We have been struggling with redefining our UUA church in the current zeitgeist. The present movement is pretty somnolent. The Sunday services have become a stale event. We will never attract new members with our current program. We’re not having fun because we always being pounded with the original sin of “white privilege.”

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I have no problem with strictly community centers.

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