Vikernes is also a tabletop roleplaying gamer, and his taste in games is decidedly conservative.

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Maybe it's a common last name in Norway

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Maybe, but it's the same guy

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Oh. I did not realize that.

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Fascinating and thought-provoking, David, thanks!

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Thank you for this! (I'm glad you quoted the lyrics, since I couldn't make it 50 seconds into that song. Not my cup of tea.)

It's a deep question. Another is a similar question about History—that was the framing in a history class I took once. The textbook was all biographical vignettes of other historians. The author was the professor (of History), so it was a lot of fun...

—come to think of it, I don't recall if any of us asked him HIS biography(!). That must've disappointed him. Man, we were just a bunch of dumb kids.

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Norwegian black metal isn't ABBA. It's intented to be grating on the ears and offensive.

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Ha ha, Mission Accomplished!

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