Their seminary's cost double to triple what other traditional seminary's charge. The individuals produced in their seminary (Meadville), from my experience, have been lacking in knowledge and ability. It doesn't make sense to charge more money for less payoff. Most UU ministers barely qualify for Universal Life Church ordination let alone ordination from an academically accredited institution. I've decided to pursue my masters to become a minister, but with the current rates of the UU seminary's I'll opt for a degree from Mercer or Duke. I'll come out cheaper, have a more respected degree, and more job options. The United Methodist Church is becoming what the UU once was anyway.

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Greg, you might want to have a chat with your congregation's leaders. One of our prized principles is called "congregational polity", which is shorthand for: each congregation makes its own rules. That includes calling (hiring) a minister. A congregation may call whomever it pleases to their ministry, and they don't have to kowtow to anyone in the denominational hierarchy. Period. So - if you have the skills needed - go for it!

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I joined my local UU church here in southeast Texas about 2 years ago when I deconverted from a lifetime of indoctrination as a Southern Baptist cult member. I am an atheist now, but really like the fellowship and conversation at my UU church (even though there's typically only 4-8 of us). I have a doctorate (in nursing) and was interested in seeing what I could transfer over toward becoming an ordained minister. The answer: none of it. The requirements to become an ordained UU minister are ridiculous, and honestly, I can't believe that they have had even 5 or 8 members request ordination. The long-term members said that they had 50+ members when they had a "real" minister; I am near retirement age and would happily do it for no pay whatsoever!

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Can you pinpoint when or where this started? Was it in the seminaries? Or a reflection of increasing intolerance and shaming in society? I am astonished at the guilt mongering in UU World articles and reported at various congregations. When did the UU ever espouse and encourage people to feel guilty? That is what many UU's fled other denominations to get away from! Have you looked at the UUMFE (UU Ministry for Earth) website recently? Lots about social justice. Not much about earth other than to wave signs against fossil fuels. So much for the 7th Principle.

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The move in the two UU seminaries started quite a few years back. The formal top-down move from the UUA started in 2017 when UUA President Peter Morales was pushed out.

Correct. Guilting, shaming and censoring laity are the opposite of what UU is supposed to be about.

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Well, that's direct and to the point!

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