Excellent article, David. You've captured perfectly the kind of bias and bigotry that often masquerades as "progressive" these days. If often feels like a powerful group of fundamentalists decided to learn the language of the Left in order to take over the Left - a coup in slow motion that has become a prime factor in fueling the cultural wars.

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Thank you. Hope you can address the UU ‘class problem ‘ in the future.

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I happen to be a member of a religious minority (Latter-day Saint, or Mormon), -one of the many religious minorities that we have in the United States. I am also a former UU (a long story, which I won't go into here). Anyway, I have seen and experienced the hypocrisy of those who profess to believe in "pluralism," "inclusiveness." "centering," and "minority rights," only to turn around and change their tune when they incounter a minority (in this case a religious minority) that they don't take a liking to. This is also interesting because (while Mormons are often regarded as being conservative) much of the antagonism directed toward the LDS community also comes from religious fundamentalists on the far right.

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There are some members at the congregation I attend who work to try to understand people unlike them, such as Pro Life Republicans and devout Christians. There are also a couple of ex-Catholics members who also don't appreciate it when UUs attack Catholics.

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