As a big fan of Kuhn and Popper, particularly Popper’s test of falsification, I think it’s useful to keep Feyerabend in your epistemological toolkit in case you run into situations like Heinrich Schliemann (Troy) and Alfred Wegener (Plate Tectonics). I’m not sure that Astrology works unless there’s a link between orbital mechanics and entanglement at inception.

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The history of plate tectonic science shows that empirical findings are more important than theories. The same goes for innate learning biases, such as the Garcia effect. Astrology is all theory with no findings, so it's the opposite case.

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Thanks for an interesting write-up. Berkeley was something else. Feyerabend said indigenous knowledge is on par with science, but then he criticized scientists by calling them witch doctors. That's like a gay rights advocate criticizing homophobes as "gay".

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He used intentionally provocative and hyperbolic language

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